To celebrate her 114th birthday, Google put the spotlight on the iconic Egyptian actress Mary Mounib. The Google Doodle depicts her smiling, her iconic dangling earrings making up the Google logo behind her. The emotive doodle was created by Cairo-based artist Shennawy and can be seen across Google the Gulf, North Africa and the Levant.
Mary Mounib was truly a charismatic personality on the stage, screen and in her everyday life. She commanded respect from her peers and fans managing to create a comedic legacy that influenced generations of young Arab comedians and actors even today.
From a hard come up in 1920s Egypt, to breaking into a male-dominated industry, to her famous one liners and transforming into Egypt’s mother-in-law (or depending on how you view it, the original Monster-in-Law – Sorry Jane Fonda), here are some fascinating facts about her life and a career that spand half a millennium.